Training "Lean: the keys to Good Lean and traps of Bad Lean"

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What is "Good Lean" and what is "Bad Lean"?


Nearly everyone is “already doing Lean” and, in the vast majority of cases, the results are disappointing, both financially and in terms of the adoption of the different elements, from the tools and principles to the “philosophy” or Lean culture. Yet the company that "invented" Lean – Toyota Motor Company – continues to outperform its competitors all over the world. For instance, in France where Marris Consulting is based, the Toyota Motor Manufacturing France (TMMF) car assembly plant continues to be profitable and continues to grow in sales and in the number of its employees thereby demonstrating the power of “Good Lean”.

No other car manufacturer can do this. How does Toyota obtain results that all their competitors claim are impossible?

To understand the key success factors of Toyota, Marris Consulting has the honour of welcoming Reynald Debaut-Henocque, ex-Vice President of Manufacturing of Toyota Motor Manufacturing France to co-host these training sessions. He has experienced first-hand the development of Toyota’s manufacturing in France since 1999. He will explain the Toyota way or “Good Lean” during two thirds of this training. Philip Marris will complete the picture by presenting the “Bad Lean” practices that he has observed based on his over 30 years experience in over 270 companies all over the world and in all kinds of industries. He will also explain how to adapt Toyota's solutions to other non-automotive industries.

This is “advanced” Lean training, we do not present the basics of the Lean tools (5S, 5 whys, etc.). The topics covered include: partnership with suppliers; Lean product development / Lean Engineering; Manufacturing management; Quality management; Standardized work; Visual management; the essential growth in turnover ...

The goal of this training is to help organisations improve their performance by understanding the keys to “Good Lean” and avoiding the pitfalls of “Bad Lean” so that they can adjust, build or rebuild their Lean efforts and get closer to the results obtained by Toyota whatever their business.

How to launch, revive or accelerate your Lean initiative?



Face-to-face or online training

Training in Paris

Training in our office in Paris in French : 1 day

Session : On the 21st of November 2024

Terms and conditions

  • 900 € excluding taxes, lunch included
  • Questions and answers with the trainer
  • Registration mandatory



(Training activity recorded in France
under n° 11 75 45692 75)

Training location

 Tour Maine Montparnasse, 27th floor, 

33 avenue du Maine, Paris

Access map


Training Online

Online english session

  • 400 € including taxes
  • Registration mandatory

Online course


Advantages of the on-site training


  • Advanced training on Lean the Toyota way by two experts on the subject:

    • Philip Marris - Director of Marris Consulting
    • Reynald Debaut-Henocque - former VP of Toyota Motor Company France
  • Discover and share more than 30 years of experience in the industry
  • Ask your questions and bring your problems so that our trainers can answer them

Advantages of the online training


  • You can access course materials at your convenience during 12 months, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

  • Reynald Debaut-Henocque offers food for thought in the form of exercises (to be completed independently) that will help you ask yourself the right questions about your company's Lean practices

Teaser of the training course

Good Lean Bad Lean

Learn how to use the Good Lean principles, avoid the traps of Bad Lean and become an expert. You will get access to the videos for 12 months upon purchase.

Good Lean Bad Lean PODIA

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Reynald Debaut HenocqueReynald Debaut-Henocque

From 1981 to 1999, he forged a career as Quality Director for automotive equipment manufacturers accompanying the revolution in quality procedures for OEMs. His experience spans both Europe and North-America. In 1993, he set up the European continuous improvement system of the BTR group.

In 1999, he joined the Toyota group as Quality Director and succeeded in obtaining the 1st Warranty Award when the Toyota Yaris “made in France” was launched. He broadened his horizons by going on to occupy the positions of Production Director and then Supply Chain Director.  He therefore was a key actor in the success of an industrial site which rose to the challenge of producing profitable B segment vehicles (small cars) in France; more than 3 million cars in 20 years. As Vice-President of Production, he prepared the ramp-up of the French factory to produce 3 million vehicles in the next 10 years.


Photo Portrait de Philip MarrisPhilip Marris

Philip Marris started his journey in 1986 when he joined Creative Output and collaborated with Eliyahu Goldratt, inventor of Theory of Constraints and author of the world bestseller "The Goal". In 1994, Philip in turn wrote a book on OCD, in French, to explain how to implement the ideas of the novel "The goal".

He is recognized as an expert in Lean and generally combines Lean (in Production / Engineering / Management) with TOC.

He founded Marris Consulting, based in Paris, in 2005. Half of the company's activity is located abroad, in Europe or in the rest of the world. He is bilingual and bi-cultural French / English. Very active in the "TOC" community, he has implemented The Theory of Constraints more than 270 times in more than 30 countries. Its customers include: Air France, ArcelorMittal, Ariane Group, Embraer, GSK, Ipsen, Louis Vuitton, McDonald's, Procter & Gamble, Qiagen, Safran, Salzgitter-Mannesmann, Siemens, SKF, Thales and Zodiac Aerospace.


  • Introduction
  • The good Lean in the DNA
  • The vision and the role of management  
  • Toyota's 5 fundamental values
  • Manufacturing management
  • Quality management
  • Lean Engineering
  • Partnership with suppliers
  • Standardized work
  • Visual management
  • The essential growth in turnover
  • Conclusion

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Extracts of the training

Are you wondering what you will learn new about Lean in this training? Discover some extracts from the complete training below:

Good Lean: We will detail how TMMF (intensively) trains their employees.

Bad Lean: Training budgets are the first to be cut in the event of difficulty.

Did you know that the Toyota plant in Onnaing in France is the most compact of Toyota's factories?

Supplier partnership extract:

  • «Suppliers have more to fear from Toyota operations than purchasing.», «A near-perfect level of quality is expected, less than 30 PPM. »,

  • The partnership with suppliers "à la Toyota" is almost never copied. Why!?

  • «At the inauguration of TMMF some suppliers were historical suppliers to Toyota. During the first 10 years some of these suppliers disappointed and were replaced by others. But now with the launch of the 4th generation of the Yaris in 2020, there has been no noticeable change of suppliers. There are no longer any blacklisted suppliers. »

Lean Engineering extract:

  • « Developing Lean Inside products»

  • «Developed by Toyota and for Toyota without design outsourcing »

Download a training extract

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Target public?

Sponsors, leaders or actors of transformation projects wishing to initiate or boost their Lean deployment in their company.

It is mainly aimed at manufacturing or process industries, for both repetitive and non-repetitive productions.

Service industry environments are not addressed specifically even if Lean is of course also pertinent.


Have some knowledge of the tools and basic principles of Lean manufacturing which will not be detailed in this training. Examples: what is 5S, 5 Whys, SMED ...

To learn more about Toyota's Lean

Toyota key success factors only available in French

About Marris Consulting

Marris Consulting is an industry consulting and training company specialized in the Theory of Constraints (ToC) and Critical Chain Project Management. We focus on improving the performance of manufacturing and process industries by using Constraints Management combined with Lean and Six Sigma. To boost project performance, we also use Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM), which we sometimes combine with Lean Engineering. Our 2-day performance audits, our performance consulting services and our project management, Lean, ToC & CCPM training by our industry consultants offer a wide range of solutions to help our clients around the world reach the highest possible levels of performance.

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