Theory of Constraints, Critical Chain Project Management, Lean : industry consulting & training - Marris Consulting
In times of crisis or fast growth, the ability of companies to adapt quickly and to mobilize their teams very quickly around a few critical challenges becomes a key to survival. In fact, the commitment and alignment of managers is, we believe, even more important than the quality of one's strategic choices. They are key levers for achieving the goals of the the top management.
Today, many managers are demotivated, and, when this is coupled with a loss of credibility and trust among their employees, then managers can no longer play the essential role we expect them to have.
To get companies out of this impasse, and to enable them to achieve their operational and financial objectives, we deploy a methodology that makes it possible to carry out the managerial changes that are essential for the success of a transformation program or a post-crisis reconstruction. We (re)build a credible and attractive project for the future.
The strength and originality of our approach is based on:
1) Our dual knowledge of the industrial world and management methods, acquired through operational experiences and our many consulting assignments;
2) An understanding of the elements that underpin management effectiveness, both formal (what are the abilities, the available means, and the expectations of managers) and informal:
what interpretation and coherence is given to what seems to be "rogue" managerial behavior?
what are the power relationships that really exist in the organization?
what are the difficulties and constraints truly faced by managers?
what control system have they put in place, and with what consequences for the company?
what is the state of co-operation, or not, of managers?
which social and relational rules are in force?
how does the "hidden" reality of the operations of the company co-exist with the official ambitions and strategic choices?
With this dual reading of the company, we design with you a program of managerial change that begins with concrete actions with 3 priority objectives:
realign the management committee on the challenges of the company,
refocus middle management on its missions,
restore confidence and pride to the front line managers.
The implemented actions quickly create a break, visible to all, both in the cohesion and in the skills and managerial behaviors:
repositioning each level of management: stopping them doing the work of their subordinates; ...
development of the basics of management: 5 minute stand-up meetings around an appropriate visual display and / or simple dashboards; ability to develop employees; ...
simplification of the organization chart to ensure rapid communication of decisions and a common understanding of the message, an increased field presence (the "Gemba" of course!); ...
creation of a "club" bringing together the front line managers (team leaders &/or group leaders) to progress together on simple management topics: treatment of absenteeism; behaviour regarding security; 5 S; a uniform expectation of work intensity; ...
strengthening the cohesion of the Management Committee around shared objectives: establishment of a transformation road-map (sometimes using the full "Logical Thinking Process"); regular review of the project portfolio of change initiatives; ...
At the end of this program, initiated by these actions, the company has created new foundations for its management culture, and is in a position to ensure the success of its projects and the achievement of its ambitions through this new managerial efficiency.
The ability of companies to adapt quickly and mobilize their teams during times of crisis or rapid growth is crucial for survival. The commitment and alignment of managers play a vital role in achieving the goals set by top management, often surpassing the importance of strategic choices. However many managers are curently demotivated, leading to a loss of credibility and trust among employees.
To overcome this challenge and enable companies to achieve their operational and financial objectives, a methodology is deployed to implement essential managerial changes. This approach combines industrial knowledge, management methods, and an understanding of the factors that contribute to management effectiveness. By realigning the management comitee, refocusing middle management, and restoring confidence to front-line managers, concrete actions are taken to create a visible break in cohesion and improve managerial skills and behaviours.
These actions include repositioning each level of management, developing the basics of management, simplifying the organizational structure, establishing a management club, and strenghtening the cohesion of the management commitee. Through these efforts, the company establishes new foundations for its management culture, leading to increased managerial efficiency and the successful realization of projects and ambitions.
Marris Consulting is an industry consulting and training company specialized in the Theory of Constraints (ToC) and Critical Chain Project Management. We focus on improving the performance of manufacturing and process industries by using Constraints Management combined with Lean and Six Sigma. To boost project performance, we also use Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM), which we sometimes combine with Lean Engineering. Our 2-day performance audits, our performance consulting services and our project management, Lean, ToC & CCPM training by our industry consultants offer a wide range of solutions to help our clients around the world reach the highest possible levels of performance.