Conference on Critical Chain Project Management by Philip Marris - PMI Luxembourg Chapter

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Critical Chain Project Management - PMI Luxembourg

PMI luxembourg chapter

  • PMI Conference on 21st of October at the PMI Luxembourg chapter

  • Conference venue:
    Microsoft, 23-29, Rives de Clausen, District de Luxembourg, 2165, Luxembourg

  • Presentation by Philip Marris

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The conference

Most projects managed traditionally with the Critical Path Method or the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) suffer from time and budget overruns and often original specifications have to be abandoned. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) has shown for more than 15 years that performances can be significantly improved by applying this new approach.


  • The Critical Chain is defined by the longest chain of dependencies between tasks, taking into account critical resources conflicts. But the “Critical Chain Way” is much more than this limited definition.
  • CCPM can be used both for individual projects large or small or portfolios of projects.
  • A different technique for estimating task durations is used (average/aggressive plus pessimistic).
  • The project is protected from uncertainty and problems thanks to a project buffer (safeties are removed from individual tasks).
  • Feeding buffers are inserted to protect the Critical Chain from delays on non-critical tasks.
  • The “Fever Chart” is used to manage execution. It provides real time identification of task priorities.
  • Multitasking, which is considered one of the main killers of performance, is minimized.
  • The "Student syndrome" (to postpone until the last moment working on a task) is addressed.
  • Etc.

This approach first appeared at the end of the 90s. Today it is used quite extensively throughout the world. Over 500 companies have implemented it including: Mazda, Siemens, Embraer, Procter & Gamble, Louis Vuitton, Safran, Boeing, Lilly and the United States armed forces. Critical Chain Project Management allows projects to be finished on time, within budget and without compromises on original specifications. Moreover, CCPM has shown that: it reduces project durations by over 40%; increases resource productivity and significantly improves the working environment.

PMI Luxembourg CCPM conference

Philip Marris


Philip Marris is the founder and CEO of Marris Consulting. He has designed, sold and executed over 250 ToC based transformation projects.

To know more about Critical Chain

A dedicated website
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in French or English :

 Critical Chain trainings 

Our videos :

 Critical Chain videos 

Customers' testimonials: 

Embraer, ABS Jets, Safran... 

About Marris Consulting

Marris Consulting is an industry consulting and training company specialized in the Theory of Constraints (ToC) and Critical Chain Project Management. We focus on improving the performance of manufacturing and process industries by using Constraints Management combined with Lean and Six Sigma. To boost project performance, we also use Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM), which we sometimes combine with Lean Engineering. Our 2-day performance audits, our performance consulting services and our project management, Lean, ToC & CCPM training by our industry consultants offer a wide range of solutions to help our clients around the world reach the highest possible levels of performance.

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